6/23/2020 4 Comments Sometimes you need to just be.Just be. It's a phrase I'm sure you've heard time and again. When you stop to think about it, those two small words carry great weight... and great wisdom.
We are spiritual beings in a human body, having human experiences. So naturally, as much as we want to be as connected to the Divine, as much as we want to do good deeds and be the best person we can be, the truth of the matter is even those with the absolute best of intentions have moments where they are subjected to the earmarks of being human. Doubt. Fear. Jealousy. Anger. Mistrust. Just a few of the shortcomings we get to enjoy as we experience our human life. Now, before you get upset with me, hear me out. I know there are some incredible people in the world who literally give the shirts off their backs to others. People who put everyone before themselves, and people who are living examples of the Divine here on earth. But the human mind has mechanisms built in to help protect us and try to do good for us, which end up getting in the way sometimes. Take doubt for example. Has it crept into your world recently? Perhaps it has come upon you in the form of wondering where you were going to get the money to pay a large bill. Or maybe it has waved at you in the form of not being confident enough to apply for a new job. Sometimes, it may even surprise you when you realize you are questioning your faith in your fellow man. However it may reveal itself, stay the course. Just be. Some tough but necessary lessons I learned over the years are ones I still need to remind myself of sometimes. This is one that holds tremendous value: You will never be all things to all people. Just be who you are. Be yourself. And if you are not sure who that is, take the time to learn. Know Thyself isn't just a clever sounding phrase. It is a key to happiness. Once you learn who you really are and once you know thyself, you will start transforming into the best version of yourself. And you know what happens then? MAGIC! Because when you know who you really are, and you embrace who you really are, you are aware of the spiritual part of your glorious being & you start to really fell the energetic connection to all that is. You realize your connection to nature, to animals, to other humans, to the planet, and to the Universe! Suddenly you are filled with unlimited potential. Suddenly you are not alone. Suddenly there is a greater picture and a greater purpose. It allows you to be more present in the moment.. and to just be. Blessings, Dawn
4/1/2020 1 Comment The power of the the invisibleThe magnificence in life is that you have the power to choose what you will focus on during these challenging times. Most of us have never experienced anything like this. But remember... with crisis comes opportunity. Will you focus on the fear and uncertainty? Or will you use this opportunity to focus on love, light and faith?
It’s very easy to get caught up in the negative news, the rising numbers of those who have fallen ill. And there is an almost paralyzing fear of the unknown in this invisible virus that is spreading throughout the world. It is something very serious but it is also, in an ironic way, an opportunity for us to step back from the hustle & bustle of the daily life we have come to know and it is a chance to simplify... to be still. And in that stillness can come inspiration, Divine Guidance, and a direction from deep within as to where we can and should proceed next. It’s like we are given a chance to start again! Make no mistake, we grieve for those who have lost their lives and for those who cannot provide for their families right now. And for those who are separated from loved ones. Those in quarantine fighting this invisible enemy. That is a physical reality. But just as there is an invisible force that is a threat, there is also an invisible force that implores us to summon the strength to dig deep... deeper than we may have ever have had to dig before. And in the quiet moments of uncertainty, may you find the light and love of the Creator. A light brighter than a million suns. A love richer than any human heart can comprehend. Follow that light. Embrace that love. Let it lead you towards a spectacular next chapter where you can be all that you were meant to be. Walks in nature are one way that many of us are finding ways to be out of the house in a safe way. This is a phenomenal way to connect with the energy of the Universe and the pure love & light that surrounds us. We will be able to witness the blossoming of Spring and the majesty of Mother Nature in our socially distanced state and perhaps it will allow us to be present in our world like we have never been before. And it may establish a new revitalization of the Earth as we know it. A harmony between humans and all species that has been clouded for hundreds of years. Will you stay rooted in human thought or will you rise and join the vibration of the planet for a wonderful next chapter? You’ve heard the phrase ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ I think Jesus would ask us to love and support our families and neighbors as best we can, but he would also ask us to listen to the wisdom in the silence. There is an undeniable strength in the wind we cannot see but we know is there. The love we have all felt deeply yet do not physically see. And the faith that can raise all of us up to a state of joy that gives us wings to achieve that which was previously thought impossible. These times are truly showing us the strength of what we cannot see. Focus on the POSITIVE that we cannot see, then WATCH IT unfold in your physical world!!!! Blessings to all of you & your loved ones 5/21/2019 0 Comments Keeping the vibes in checkPick a color. Any color. Which one do you like the most? Your color choice could very well coincide with which of your chakras are opened the most. Is there a color you don't care for? That color could represent which of your chakras needs some attention. Feelings are how we interpret energy. When you feel great, love, happy, all those good things, the energy is high and you are feeding off of it. That is what we should aim for every day, and if you find yourself feeling 'down' or if you are near someone you can feel has low energy, trust your feelings... the vibes. Surround yourself with higher energy whenever you can and you will start to see more positive things come into your life. Like attracts like! But the duality that exits is there for a very important reason. If you do not know dark then how can you identify light? Whatever is present, the opposite end of the pole exists. We all slide up and down on the scale, but the amount of time you spend in the joyous zone is all up to you.
3/29/2019 1 Comment Spring 2019 EnergyMost of us start to feel a sense of renewed purpose and revitalization in the spring, especially in the Northeast. Sure, the snow is melting, the birds are chirping and the buds on the trees let us know warmer days are ahead. And that's enough to lift anyone's spirits! Our senses pick up on the shift in seasonal earth energy, combined with the anticipation on what's to come from Mother Nature and it's a great recipe for a higher vibrational shift! Take full advantage of this resurgence and live to your true potential! What are your guardian angels whispering in your ears? What messages are you receiving? Do you have the urge to suddenly update your resume or start that side business you've been dreaming of? Whatever you are inspired to do, DO IT! Inspired action creates the most magical results! Are you having trouble picking up what your guides are trying to say? Sometimes it happens! We are only human after all. Well, spiritual beings having a human experience. So if you feel like you're missing an opportunity or just not sure what your higher self or your guides need you to know, we might be able to help. As the fastest growing crystal shop in Western New York, we are continually adding to our online store inventory. Meditation is like tuning your radio into a favorite station.. and when you add crystals, it's like cranking up the volume on a favorite song... and when you follow your inspiration it's like dancing to that cranked up tune! Or if you aren't ready for meditation or work with crystals, having a personal reading is a great way to help bring inspiration to you. Do you feel it's time for meditation? A personal reading? Amplifying your energy with crystals? Not sure what to do? Always do what feels right. But whatever you do, don't let those whisperings pass you by. If you're inspired to do something, you are already receiving a message! Shop
12/26/2018 2 Comments 2019... a new year, a new energy!With 2019 approaching, many of us are getting ready for our new year resolutions. Common resolutions include weight loss, being tidier, exercising more, being more financially responsible... these are all great goals to have. But one resolution that I'm going to make is to check my energy. To keep my vibrations higher, to protect myself from negative vibrations. To be mindful of the energy I'm giving off to those abound me, and to meditate regularly to connect to my higher self and open to source energy to lead a better life. 2019 is going to be an amazing year energetically and I don't want to miss out on a moment of its potential. Wishing you good vibes always!
AuthorMedium, intuitive and crystal practitioner Dawn Marie Angela has been consciously working with angels, Archangels, and various forms of energy translation for over 20 years. She's been told that 2019 will have some very inspired posts so stay tuned! Archives
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